Flavoured. Product based on a combination of surfactants, emulsifiers, together with a compound of broad spectrum bactericidal quaternary ammonium. biodegradable detergent; removes grease and odors from all surfaces without attacking the materials. It is not toxic, nor irritate the skin when handled. 5Lts packaging.
Spray disinfectant 750ml surfaces, designed for rapid disinfection of medical devices and all kinds of surfaces. Ideal for instant sanitizing elements.
Disinfectant concentrate, Sanit ESCOPE, is a product phosphate-free, biodegradable, manual use, suitable for hospitals and operating rooms, fit for ultrasound. Noncorrosive. PH Neutral. It works by enzymes and surfactants. Dosage: 50ml per 6Lts water. Contact time: 1 minute. Emb.1000ml
Product for flavoring sauna after cleaning and disinfection. It provides a pleasant smell of eucalyptus contributing to relaxation and breathing of the user.Mixed with hot water essences are rapidly absorbed through the pores, while the vapors are inhaled.PACKAGING: 5000ml